Installation & Repairs
If repairs are required, BRTS® can provide both the parts and expertise to return your unit to service in the shortest possible time. Repairs can be implemented either on-site or at the nearest offsite repair facility, depending on your specific requirements of availability and cost. BRTS® supplied parts and labor are fully covered by our one-year end-to-end warranty program.
Upgrades & Retrofits
A brand-new turbine may offer higher thermal performance and efficiency, and lower emissions than older legacy systems; however, the return on investment for a new turbine would take multiple years to break even. With an upgraded control system, plant operators are provided with more flexible operational options than they would have previously had. Operational awareness is increased by features such as added monitoring areas, new annunciations and adjustable set points and informational items allowing operators to take timely actions and report degradation of the unit so that preventative, deficient or even corrective maintenance can be prioritized to maintain availability. Upgraded control systems typically comprise of:
A PLC with a data acquisition system
Advanced HMI
New panel terminations
Standardized trip logic/circuits
Together with trending, rapid data logging, and communication utilities, these systems offer many benefits for potential users. With the options of a new panel with the same footprint and cable entries as the original or built on frames that will fit directly into the existing panel, we put in our best efforts to ensure that any upgrades are carried out in a fast and efficient manner, minimizing plant downtime and installation cost.
Additionally, BRTS® can provide a simple and effective control system retrofits that will improve your plant’s performance and reliability. Engineered to streamline the installation of modern controls and replace outdated systems, the field-proven retrofit kits include the entire portfolio of required hardware and software to make a seamless transition from the old to the new and add robustness to your turbines control system.
And of course, rest assured these solutions will be tailored to your unique requirements, and may incorporate other areas of the plant or interfacing systems.
Technical Support
BRTS® will be with you throughout the procurement, design, installation, and commissioning phases of your control system. We develop a partnership of trust with you over the lifetime of the unit. Technical support is available 24 by 7, either remotely or on-site, as arranged.